![]() Chapter 12 |
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![]() Prayer and the Word of God GOD'S Word is a record of prayer-of praying men and their achievements, of the divine warrant of prayer and of the encouragement given to those who pray. No one can read the instances, commands, examples, multiform statements which concern themselves with prayer, without realizing that the cause of God, and the success of his work in this world, is committed to prayer; that praying men have been God's deputies on earth; that prayerless men have never been used of him. A
reverence for God's holy name is closely related to a high regard for his
Word. This hallowing of God's name; the ability to do his will on earth, as
it is done in heaven; the establishment and glory of God's kingdom, are as
much involved in prayer, as when Jesus taught men the universal prayer. That
"men ought always to pray and not to faint," is as fundamental to God's
cause, today, as when Jesus Christ enshrined that great truth in the
immortal setting of the Parable of the Importunate Widow. As God's house
is called "the house of prayer," because prayer is the most important of its
holy offices; so by the same token, the Bible may be called the book of
prayer. Prayer is the great theme and content of its message to mankind. As this word of
Christ dwelling in us richly is transmuted and assimilated, it issues in
praying. Faith is constructed of the Word and the Spirit, and faith is the
body and substance of prayer. In many of its
aspects, prayer is dependent upon the Word of God. Jesus says: The Word of God
is the fulcrum upon which the lever of prayer is placed, and by which things
are mightily moved. God has committed himself, his purpose, and his promise
to prayer. His Word becomes the basis, the inspiration of our praying, and
there are circumstances under which, by importunate prayer, we may obtain an
addition, or an enlargement of his promises. It is said of the old saints
that they, "through faith obtained promises." There would seem to be in
prayer the capacity for going even beyond the Word, of getting even beyond
his promise, into the very presence of God, himself. Jacob wrestled,
not so much with a promise, as with the promiser. We must take hold of the
promiser, lest the promise prove inoperative. Prayer may well be defined as
that force which vitalizes and energizes the Word of God, by taking hold of
God, himself. By taking hold of the promiser, prayer reissues, and makes
personal the promise. "There is none that stirreth up himself to take hold
of me," is God's sad lament. "Let him take hold of my strength, that he may
make peace with me," is God's recipe for prayer. By scriptural
warrant, prayer may be divided into the petition of faith and that of
submission. The prayer of faith is based on the written Word, for "faith
cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." It receives its answer,
inevitably-the very thing for which it prays. The prayer of submission is without a definite word of promise, so to speak, but takes hold of God with a lowly and contrite spirit, and asks and pleads with him, for that which the soul desires. Abraham had no definite promise that God would spare Sodom. Moses had no definite promise that God would spare Israel; on the contrary, there was the declaration of his wrath, and of his purpose to destroy. But the devoted
leader gained his plea with God, when he interceded for the Israelites with
incessant prayers and many tears. Daniel had no definite promise that God
would reveal to him the meaning of the king's dream, but he prayed
specifically, and God answered definitely. The Word of God
is made effectual and operative by the process and practice of prayer. The
Word of the Lord came to Elijah, "Go show thyself to Ahab, and I will send
rain on the earth." Elijah showed himself to Ahab; but the answer to his
prayer did not come, until he had pressed his fiery prayer upon the Lord
seven times. Paul had the
definite promise from Christ, that he "would be delivered from the people
and the Gentiles," but we find him exhorting the Romans in the urgent and
solemn manner concerning this very matter: The Word of God
is a great help in prayer. If it be lodged and written in our hearts, it
will form an outflowing current of prayer, full and irresistible. Promises,
stored in the heart, are to be the fuel from which prayer receives life and
warmth, just as the coal, stored in the earth, ministers to our comfort on
stormy days and wintry nights. The Word of God is the food, by which prayer
is nourished and made strong. Prayer, like man, cannot live by bread alone,
"but by every word which proceedeth out of the mouth of the Lord." Unless the vital
forces of prayer are supplied by God's Word, prayer, though earnest even
vociferous in its urgency, is in reality flabby, vapid, and void. The
absence of vital force in praying can be traced to the absence of a constant
supply of God's Word by which to repair the waste, and renew the life. He
who would learn to pray well, must first study God's Word, and store it in
his memory and thought. When we consult God's Word, we find that no duty is more binding, more exacting, than that of prayer. On the other hand, we discover that no privilege is more exalted, no habit more richly owned of God. No promises are more radiant, more abounding, more explicit, more often reiterated, than those which are attached to prayer. "All things, whatsoever" are received by prayer, because "all things whatsoever" are promised. There is no
limit to the provisions, included in the promises to prayer, and no
exclusion from its promises. "Every one that asketh, receiveth." The word of
our Lord is to this all-embracing effect: "If ye shall ask anything in my
name, I will do it." Here are some of
the comprehensive, and exhaustive statements of the Word of God about
prayer, the things to be taken in by prayer, the strong promise made in
answer to prayer: What clear and
strong statements are those which are put in the divine record, to furnish
us with a sure basis of faith, and to urge, constrain and encourage us to
pray! How wide the range of prayer, as given us, in the divine revelation!
How these Scriptures incite us to seek the God of prayer, with all our
wants, with all our burdens! In addition to
these statements left on record for our encouragement, the sacred pages teem
with facts, examples, incidents, and observations, stressing the importance
and the absolute necessity of prayer, and putting emphasis on its
all-prevailing power. The utmost reach
and full benefit of the rich promises of the Word of God, should humbly be
received by us, and put to the test. The world will never receive the full
benefits of the gospel until this is done. Neither Christian experience nor
Christian living will be what they ought to be till these divine promises
have been fully tested by those who pray. By prayer, we bring these promises
of God's holy will into the realm of the actual and the real. Prayer is the
philosopher's stone which transmutes them into gold. If it is asked,
what is to be done in order to render God's promises real, the answer is,
that we must pray, until the words of the promise are clothed with the rich
raiment of fulfillment. God's promises
are altogether too large to be mastered by desultory praying. When we
examine ourselves, all too often, we discover that our praying does not rise
to the demands of the situation; is so limited that it is little more than a
mere oasis amid the waste and desert of the world's sin. Who of us, in our
praying, measures up to this promise of our Lord: Verily, verily,
I say unto you, he that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do
also, and greater works than these shall he do, because I go to my Father. Look, for a
moment, at another of God's great promises, and discover how we may be
undergirded by the Word as we pray, and on what firm ground we may stand on
which to make our petitions to our God: In these
comprehensive words, God turns himself over to the will of his people. When
Christ becomes our all-in-all, prayer lays God's treasures at our feet.
Primitive Christianity had an easy and practical solution of the situation,
and got all which God had to give. That simple and terse solution is
recorded in John's first epistle: Prayer, coupled with loving obedience, is the way to put God to the test, and to make prayer answer all ends and all things. Prayer, joined to the Word 6l-God, hallows and makes sacred all God's gifts. Prayer is not simply to get things from God but to make those things holy, which already have been received from him. It is not merely to get a blessing, but also to be able to give a blessing. Prayer makes
common things holy and secular things, sacred. It receives things from God
with thanksgiving and hallows them with thankful hearts, and devoted
service. In the First Epistle to Timothy, Paul gives us these words: That is a
statement which gives a negative to mere asceticism. God's good gifts are to
be holy, not only by God's creative power, but, also, because they are made
holy to us by prayer. We receive them, appropriate them and sanctify them by
prayer. To know God's
will in prayer, we must be filled with God's Spirit, who makes intercession
for the saints, and in the saints, according to the will of God. To be
filled with God's Spirit, to be filled with God's Word, is to know God's
will. It is to be put in such a frame of mind, to be found in such a state
of heart, as will enable us to read and interpret aright the purposes of the
infinite. Such filling of the heart, with the Word and the Spirit, gives us
an insight into the will of the Father, and enables us to rightly discern
his will, and puts within us, a disposition of mind and heart to make it the
guide and compass of our lives. Epaphras prayed that the Colossians might stand "perfect and complete in all the will of God." This is proof positive that, not only may we know the will of God, but that we may know all the will of God. And not only may we know all the will of God, but we may do all the will of God. We may, moreover, do all the will of God, not occasionally, or by a mere impulse, but with a settled habit of conduct. Still further,
it shows us that we may not only do the will of God externally, but from the
heart, doing it cheerfully, without reluctance, or secret disinclination, or
any drawing or holding back from the intimate presence of the Lord. |