![]() Chapter 14 |
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![]() Prayer and the House of God PRAYER stands related to places, times, occasions and circumstances. It has to do with God and with everything which is related to God, and it has an intimate and special relationship to his house. A church is a sacred place, set apart from all unhallowed and secular uses, for the worship of God. As worship is prayer, the house of God is a place set apart for worship. It is no common place; it is where God dwells, where he meets with his people, and he delights in the worship of his saints.
Prayer is always in place in the house of God. When prayer is a stranger
there, then it ceases to be God's house at all. Our Lord put peculiar
emphasis upon what the church was when he cast out the buyers and sellers in
the temple, repeating the words from Isaiah, "It is written, my house shall
be called the house of prayer." He makes prayer preeminent, that which
stands out above all else in the house of God. They, who sidetrack prayer or
seek to minimize it, and give it a secondary place, pervert the church of
God, and make it something less and other than it is ordained to be. Prayer is
perfectly at home in the house of God. It is no stranger, no mere guest; it
belongs there. It has a peculiar affinity for the place, and has, moreover,
a divine right there, being set therein by divine appointment and approval. The inner
chamber is a sacred place for personal worship. The house of God is a holy
place for united worship. The prayer closet is for individual prayer. The
house of God is for mutual prayer, concerted prayer, united prayer. Yet even
in the house of God, there is the element of private worship, since God's
people are to worship him and pray to him, personally, even in public
worship. The church is for the united prayer of kindred, yet individual
believers. The life, power,
and glory of the church is prayer. The life of its members is dependent on
prayer and the presence of God is secured and retained by prayer. The very
place is made sacred by its ministry. Without it, the church is lifeless and
powerless. Without it, even the building itself is nothing, more or other,
than any other structure. Prayer converts even the bricks, and mortar, and
lumber, into a sanctuary, a Holy of Holies, where the Shekinah dwells. It
separates it in spirit and in purpose from all other edifices. Prayer gives
a peculiar sacredness to the building, sanctifies it, sets it apart for God,
conserves it from all common and mundane affairs. With prayer,
though the house of God might be supposed to lack everything else, it
becomes a divine sanctuary. So the tabernacle, moving about from place to
place, became the Holy of Holies, because prayer was there. Without prayer
the building may be costly, perfect in all its appointments, beautiful for
situation, and attractive to the eye, but it comes down to the human, with
nothing divine in it, and is on a level with all other buildings. Without prayer,
a church is like a body without spirit; it is a dead, inanimate thing. A
church with prayer in it, has God in it. When prayer is set aside, God is
outlawed. When prayer becomes an unfamiliar exercise, then God himself is a
stranger there. Prayer should be the chief attraction for all spiritually minded churchgoers. While it is conceded that the preaching of the Word has an important place in the house of God, yet prayer is its predominating, distinguishing feature. Not that all other places are sinful, or evil, in themselves or in their uses. But they are secular and human, having no special conception of God in them. The church is, essentially, religious and divine. The work belonging to other places is done without special reference to God. He is not specifically recognized, nor called upon. In the church,
however, God is acknowledged, and nothing is done without him. Prayer is the
one distinguishing mark of the house of God. As prayer distinguishes
Christian from non-Christian people, so prayer distinguishes God's house
from all other houses. It is a place where faithful believers meet with
their Lord. As God's house
is, preeminently, a house of prayer, prayer should enter into and underlie
everything that is undertaken there. Prayer belongs to every sort of work
pertaining to the church of God. As God's house is a house where the
business of praying is carried on, so is it a place where the business of
making praying people out of prayerless people is done. The house of God is
a divine workshop, and there the work of prayer goes on. Or the house of God
is a divine schoolhouse, in which the lesson of prayer is taught; where men
and women learn to pray, and where they are graduated in the school of
prayer. Any church
calling itself the house of God, and failing to magnify prayer; which does
not put prayer in the forefront of its activities; which does not teach the
great lesson of prayer, should change its teaching to conform to the divine
pattern or change the name of its building to something other than a house
of prayer. And then, Josiah
thought of God, and commanded Hilkiah, the priest, to go and make inquiry of
the Lord. Such neglect of the Word of the law was too serious a matter to be
treated lightly, and God must be inquired of, and repentance shown, by
himself, and the nation: Go inquire of
the Lord for me, and for them that are left in Israel and in Judah,
concerning the words of the book that is found; for great is the wrath of
the Lord that is poured out upon us, because our fathers have not kept the
word of the Lord, to do after all that is written in this book. But that was not
all. Josiah was bent on promoting a revival of religion in his kingdom, so
we find him gathering all the elders of Jerusalem and Judah together, for
that purpose. When they had come together, the king went into the house of
the Lord, and himself read in all the words of the book of the covenant that
was found in the house of the Lord. With this
righteous king, God's Word was of great importance. He esteemed it at its
proper worth, and counted a knowledge of it to be of such grave importance,
as to demand his consulting God in prayer about it, and to warrant the
gathering together of the notables of his kingdom, so that they, together
with himself, should be instructed out of God's book concerning God's law. When Ezra,
returned from Babylon, was seeking the reconstruction of his nation, the
people, themselves, were alive to the situation, and, on one occasion, the
priests, Levites, and people assembled themselves together as one man before
the water gate. And they spake
unto Ezra the scribe, to bring the book of the law of Moses, which the Lord
had commanded to Israel. And Ezra the priest brought the law before the
congregation, both of men and women, and all that could hear with
understanding. And he read therein before the street that was before the
water gate from the morning until midday; and the ears of all the people
were attentive unto the book of the law. This was
Bible-reading day in Judah-a real revival of Scripture-study. The leaders
read the law before the people, whose ears were keen to hear what God had to
say to them out of the book of the law. But it was not only a Bible-reading
day It was a time when real preaching was done, as the following passage
indicates: Here then is the
scriptural definition of preaching. No better definition can be given. To
read the Word of God distinctly-to read it so that the people could hear and
understand the words read; not to mumble out the words, nor read it in an
undertone or with indistinctness, but boldly and clearly-that was the method
followed in Jerusalem, on this auspicious day. Moreover: the sense of the
words was made clear in the meeting held before the water gate; the people
were treated to a high type of expository preaching. That was true
preaching-preaching of a sort which is sorely needed, today, in order that
God's Word may have due effect on the hearts of the people. This meeting in
Jerusalem surely contains a lesson which all present-day preachers should
learn and heed. No one having
any knowledge of the existing facts, will deny the comparative lack of
expository preaching in the pulpit effort of today. And none, we should, at
least, imagine, will do other than lament the lack. Topical preaching,
polemical preaching, historical preaching, and other forms of sermonic
output have, one supposes, their rightful and opportune uses. But expository
preaching-the prayerful expounding of the Word of God is preaching that is
preaching-pulpit effort par excellence. For its
successful accomplishment, however, a preacher needs must be a man of
prayer. For every hour spent in his study-chair, he will have to spend two
upon his knees. For every hour he devotes to wrestling with an obscure
passage of Scripture, he must have two in which to be found wrestling with
God. Prayer and preaching: preaching and prayer! They cannot be separated.
The ancient cry was: "To your tents, 0 Israel!" The modern cry should be:
"To your knees, 0 preachers, to your knees!" |