

Christ teachs them from the
example of the withered fig tree to pray in faith (v. 22);
Have faith in God. They admired the power of Christ’s word of
command; "Why,’’ said Christ, "a lively active faith would put as great
a power into your prayers, v. 23, 24. Whosoever shall say to this
mountain, this mount of Olives, Be removed, and be cast into the
sea; if he has but any word of God, general or particular, to build
his faith upon, and if he shall not doubt in his heart, but shall
believe that those things which he says, according to the warrant he
has from what God has said, shall come to pass, he shall have
whatever he says.’’ (of course as one prays in God's will)
Through the strength and power of God
in Christ, the greatest difficulty shall be overcome, and the thing
shall be effected. And therefore (v. 24), "What things, whatever you
desire, when you pray believe that you shall receive them; but,
believe that you do receive them, and He that has power to give
them, says, You shall have them. I say unto you, You shall, v.
Very Truly I say to you, You shall receive them,’’ v. 23.
Now this is to be applied,
Appropriate the Power
of Prayer As A Responsibility
[1.] To that faith of miracles
which the apostles and first preachers of the gospel were endued with,
which did wonders in things natural, healing the sick, raising
the dead, casting out devils; these were, in effect, the removing of
mountains. The apostles speak of a faith which would do that, and yet
might be found where holy love was not, 1 Co. 13:2. [2.] It may be
applied to that miracle of faith, which all true Christians are
endued with, which does wonders in things spiritual. It
justifies us (Rom. 5:1), and so removes the mountains of guilt, and
casts them into the depths of the sea, never to rise up in
judgment against us, Mic. 7:19.
It purifies the heart (Acts
15:9), and so removes mountains of corruption, and makes them plains
before the grace of God, Zec. 4:7. It is by faith that the world is
conquered, Satan’s fiery darts are quenched, a soul is crucified with
Christ, and yet lives; by faith we set the Lord always before us, and
see Him that is invisible, and have Him present to our minds; and this
is His effect to remove mountains, for at the presence of the Lord, at
the presence of the God of Jacob, the mountains were not only moved,
but RE moved, Ps. 114:4-7.
(2.) To this is added here that
necessary qualification of the prevailing prayer, that we freely forgive
those who have been any way injurious to us, and be in charity with all
men (v. 25, 26); When you stand praying, forgive. Note, Standing
is no improper posture for prayer; it was generally used among the Jews;
hence they called their prayers, their standings; when they would
say how the world was kept up by prayer, they expressed it that
Stationibus stat mundus—The world is held up by standings. But
the primitive Christians generally used more humble and reverent gesture
of kneeling, especially on fast days, though not on Lord’s days.
When we are at prayer, we must
remember to pray for others, particularly for our enemies, and those
that have wronged us; now we cannot pray sincerely that God would do
them good, if we bear malice to them, and wish them ill. If we have
injured others before we pray, we must go and be reconciled to them;
Mt. 5:23, 24. But if they have injured us, we go a nearer way to work,
and must immediately from our hearts forgive them.
[3.] Because this is a good step
towards obtaining the pardon of our own sins: Forgive,
that your Father may forgive you; that is, "that one may be
qualified to receive forgiveness, that He may forgive you without injury
to His honor, as it would be, if He should suffer those to have such
benefit by His mercy, as are so far from being conformable to the
pattern of it.’’
[4.] Because the lack of this is a
certain hindrance to the obtaining of the pardon of our sins; "If you
do not forgive those who have injured you, if one hate those persons,
bear them a grudge, meditate revenge, and take all occasion to speak ill
of them, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.’’ This
ought to be remembered in prayer, because the great errand that we have
at the throne of grace, is to pray for the pardon of our sins: and care
about it ought to be our daily care, because prayer is a part of our
daily work. Our Savior often insists on this, for it was His great
design to engage His disciples to love one another.