![]() Chapter 1 |
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shalt thou call, and the LORD shall answer; thou shalt cry, and he shall
say, Here I am. If thou take away from the midst of thee the yoke, the
putting forth of the finger, and speaking vanity." IT must never be
forgotten that Almighty God rules this world. He is not an absentee God. His
hand is ever on the throttle of human affairs. He is everywhere present in
the concerns of time. "His eyes behold, his eyelids try the children of
men." He rules- the world just as He rules the Church by prayer. This lesson
needs to be emphasized, iterated and reiterated in the ears of men of modern
times and brought to bear with cumulative force on the consciences of this
generation whose eyes have no vision for the eternal things, whose ears are
deaf toward God. The days of God'splendour and renown have always been the great days of prayer. God's great movements in this world have been conditioned on, continued and fashioned by prayer. God has put Himself in these great movements just as men have prayed. Present, prevailing, conspicuous and mastering prayer has always brought God to be present. The real and obvious test of a genuine work of God is the prevalence of the spirit of prayer. God's mightiest forces surcharge and impregnate a movement when prayer's mightiest forces are there. God's movement
to bring Israel from Egyptian bondage had its inception in prayer. Thus
early did God and the human race put the fact of prayer as one of the
granite forces upon which His world movements were to be based. Hannah's
petition for a son began a great prayer movement for God in Israel. Praying
women, whose prayers like those of Hannah, can give to the cause of God men
like Samuel, do more for the Church and the world than all the politicians
on earth. Men born of prayer are the saviours of the state, and men
saturated with prayer give life and impetus to the Church. Under God they
are saviours and helpers of both Church and state. When the Church is in the condition of prayer God's cause always flourishes and His kingdom on earth always triumphs. When the Church fails to pray, God's cause decays and evil of every kind prevails. In other words, God works through the prayers of His people, and when they fail Him at this point, decline and deadness ensue. It is according to the divine plans that spiritual prosperity comes through the prayer-channel. Praying saints are God's agents for carrying on His saving and providential work on earth. If his agents fail Him, neglecting to pray, then His work fails. Praying agents of the Most High are always forerunners of spiritual prosperity. The men of the Church of all ages who have held the Church for God have had in affluent fullness and richness the ministry of prayer. The rulers of the Church which the Scriptures reveal have had preeminence in prayer. Eminent, they
may have been, in culture, in intellect and in all the natural or human
forces; or they may have been lowly in physical attainments and native
gifts; yet in each case prayer was the all potent force in the rulership of
the Church. And this was so because God was with and in what they did, for
prayer always carries us back to God. It recognizes God and brings God into
the world to work and save and bless. The most efficient agents in
disseminating the knowledge of God, in prosecuting His work upon the earth,
and in standing as breakwater against the billows of evil, have been praying
Church leaders. God depends upon them, employs them and blesses them. Prayer is an absolute necessity to the proper carrying on of God's work. God has made it so. This must have been the principal reason why in the early Church, when the complaint that the widows of certain believers had been neglected in the daily administration of the Church's benefactions, that the twelve called the disciples together, and told them to look out for seven men, full of the Holy Ghost, and wisdom, who they would appoint over that benevolent work, adding this important statement, "But we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the Word." They surely realized that the success of the Word and the progress of the Church were dependent in a preeminent sense upon their " giving themselves to prayer." God could effectively work through them in proportion as they gave themselves fully to prayer. The Apostles were as dependent upon prayer as other folks. Sacred work, - Church activities - may so engage and absorb us as to hinder praying, and when this is the case, evil results always follow. It is better to let the work go by default than to let the praying go by neglect. Whatever affects the intensity of our praying affects the value of our work. " Too busy to pray " is not only the keynote to backsliding, but it mars even the work done. Nothing is well done without prayer for the simple reason that it leaves God out of the account. It is so easy to be seduced by the good to the neglect of the best, until both the good and the best perish. How easily may men, even leaders in Zion, be led by the insidious wiles of Satan to cut short our praying in the interests of the work! How easy to neglect prayer or abbreviate our praying simply by the plea that we have Church work on our hands. Satan has effectively disarmed us when he can keep us too busy doing things to stop and pray. "Give ourselves continually to prayer and the ministry of the word." The Revised Version has it, "We will continue steadfastly in prayer." The implication
of the word used here means to be strong, steadfast, to be devoted to, to
keep at it with constant care, to make a business out of it. We find the
same word in Colossians 4:12, and in Romans 12:12, which is translated,
"Continuing instant in prayer." Apostolic preaching cannot be carried on unless there be apostolic praying. Alas, that this plain truth has been so easily forgotten by those who minister in holy things! Without in any way passing a criticism on the ministry, we feel it to be high time that somebody or other declared to its members that effective preaching is conditioned on effective praying. The preaching which is most successful is that ministry which has much of prayer in it. Perhaps one might go so far as to say that it is the only kind that is successful. God can mightily use the preacher who prays. He is God's chosen messenger for good, whom the Holy Spirit delights to honour, God's efficient agent in saving men and in edifying the saints. In Acts 6:1-8 we have the record of how, long ago, the Apostles felt that they were losing - had lost - in apostolic power because they did not have relief from certain duties in order that they might give themselves more to prayer. So they called a
halt because they discovered to their regret that they were too deficient in
praying. Doubtless they kept up the form of praying, but it was seriously
defective in intensity and in point of the amount of time given to it. Their
minds were too much preoccupied with the finances of the Church. How easy to slip away from the closet! Even the Apostles had to guard themselves at that point. How much do we need to watch ourselves at the same place! Things legitimate and right may become wrong when they take the place of prayer. Things right in
themselves may become wrong things when they are allowed to fasten
themselves inordinately upon our hearts. It is not only the sinful things
which hurt prayer. It is not alone questionable things which are to be
guarded against. But it is things which are right in their places, but which
are allowed to sidetrack prayer and shut the closet door, often with the
self-comforting plea that "we are too busy to pray." The Apostles drove directly at this point, and determined that even Church business should not affect their praying habits. Prayer must come first. Then would they be in deed and truth God's real agents in His world, through whom He could effectually work, because they were praying men, and thereby put themselves directly in line with His plans and purposes, which was that He works through praying men. When the
complaint came to their ears the Apostles discovered that that which they
had been doing did not fully serve the divine ends of peace, gratitude, and
unity, but discontent, complainings, and division were the result of their
work, which had far too little prayer in it. And so prayer was put
prominently to the front. Yet one or two cases might be named. In the case of the golden calf, when God purposed to destroy the Israelites because of their great sin of idolatry, at the time when Moses was receiving the law at God's hands, the very being of Israel was imperilled, for Aaron had been swept away by the strong popular tide of unbelief and sin. All seemed lost but Moses and prayer, and prayer became more efficient and wonder-working in behalf of Israel than Aaron's magic rod. God was determined on the destruction of Israel and Aaron. His anger waxed hot. It was a fearful and a critical hour. But prayer was the levee which held back heaven's desolating fury. God's hand was held fast by the interceding of Moses, the mighty intercessor. Moses was set on
delivering Israel. It was with him a long and exhaustive struggle of praying
for forty days and forty nights. Not for one moment did he relax his hold on
God. Not for one moment did he quit his place at the feet of God, even for
food. Not for one moment did he moderate his demand or ease his cry.
Israel's existence was in the balance. Almighty God's wrath must be stayed.
Israel must be saved at all hazards. And Israel was saved. Moses would not
let God alone. And so, to-day, we can look back and give the credit of the
present race of the Jews to the praying of Moses centuries ago. When Daniel in
Babylon, refused to obey the decree of the king not to ask any petition of
any god or man for thirty days, he shut his eyes to the decree which would
shut him off from his praying room, and refused to be deterred from calling
upon God from fear of the consequences. So he "kneeled upon his knees three
times a day " and prayed as he had before done, leaving it all with God as
to the consequences of thus disobeying the king. The gracious result was that prayer laid its hands upon an Almighty arm, which interposed in that den of vicious, cruel lions and closed their mouths and preserved His servant Daniel, who had been true to Him and who had called upon Him for protection. Daniel's praying was an essential factor in defeating the king's decree and in discomfiting the wicked, envious rulers, who had set the trap for Daniel in order to destroy him and remove him from place and power in the kingdom. |