![]() Chapter 6 |
NO insistence in
the Bible is more pressing than the injunction it lays upon men to pray. No
exhortation contained therein is more hearty, more solemn, and more
stirring. No principle is more strongly inculcated than that "men ought
always to pray and not to faint." In view of this enjoinder it is pertinent
to inquire as to whether Christian people are praying men and women in
anything like body and bulk? Is prayer a fixed course in the schools of the
Church? In the Sunday school, the home, the colleges, have we any graduates
in the school of prayer? Is the Church producing those who have diplomas
from the great university of prayer? This is what God requires, what He
commands, and it is those who possess such qualifications that He must have
to accomplish His purposes and to carry out the work of His Kingdom on
earth. Laxity and indifference are great hindrances to prayer, both to the practice of praying and the process of receiving; it requires a brave, strong, fearless and insistent spirit to engage in successful prayer. Diffuseness, too, interferes with effectiveness. Too many petitions break tension and unity, and breed neglect. Prayers should be specific and urgent. Too many words, like too much width, breeds shallows and sand-bars. A single objective which absorbs the whole being and' inflames the entire man, is the properly constraining force in prayer. It is easy to
see how prayer was a decreed factor in the dispensations preceding the
coming of Jesus, and how that their leaders had to be men of prayer; how
that God's mightiest revelation of Himself was a revelation made through
prayer. And, finally, how that Jesus Christ, in His personal ministry, and
in His relation to God, was great and constant in prayer. His labours and
dispensation overflowed with fullness in proportion to His prayers. The
possibilities of His praying were unlimited and the possibilities of His
ministry were in keeping. The necessity of His praying was equalled only by
the constancy with which He practiced it during His earthly life. These days of ours have sore need of a generation of praying men, a band of men and women through whom God can bring His great and His greatest movements more fully into the world. The Lord our God is not straitened within Himself, but He is straitened in us, by reason of our little faith and weak praying. A breed of
Christian is greatly needed who will seek tirelessly after God, - who will
give Him no rest, day and night, until He hearken to their cry. The times
demand praying men who are all athirst for God's glory, who are broad and
unselfish in their desires, quenchless for God, who seek Him late and early,
and who will give themselves no rest until the whole earth be filled with
His glory. Behind God's
Word is God Himself, and we read: "Thus saith the Lord, the Holy One of
Israel, his Maker: Ask of me of things to come and concerning my sons, and
concerning the work of my hands, command ye me." As though God places
Himself in the hands and at the disposal of His people who pray - as indeed
He does. The dominant element of all praying is faith, that is conspicuous,
cardinal and emphatic. Without such faith it is impossible to please God,
and equally impossible to pray. But the man in the pew is not taxed with the burden of prayer as he ought to be, and as he must be, ere any new visitation of power come to the Church. The Church never will be wholly for God until the pews are filled with praying men. The Church cannot be what God wants it to be until those of its members who are leaders in business, politics, law, and society, are leaders in prayer. God began His early movements in the world with men of prayer. He chose such a man to be the father of that race who became His chosen people in the world for hundreds of years, to whom He committed His oracles, and from whom sprang the Promised Messiah. Abraham, a leader of God's cause, was preeminently a praying man. When we consider
his conduct and character, we readily see how prayer ruled and swayed this
great leader of God's people in the wilderness. "Abraham planted a grove in
Beersheba, and called there on the name of the Lord, the everlasting God,"
and it is an outstanding fact that wherever he pitched his tent and camped
for a season, with his household, there he erected the altar of sacrifice
and of prayer. His was a personal and a family religion, in which prayer was
a prominent and abiding factor. We enter the richest fields of spiritual growth and gather its priceless riches in the avenues of intercessory prayer. To pray for men is of divine nomination, and represents the highest form of Christian service. Men must pray, and men must be prayed for. The Christian must pray for all things, of course, but prayers for men are infinitely more important, just as men are infinitely more important than things. So also prayers for men are far more important than prayers for things because men more deeply concern God's will and the work of Jesus Christ than things. Men are to be cared for, sympathized with and prayed for, because sympathy, pity, compassion and care accompany and precede prayer for men, when they are not called out for things. All this makes praying a real business, not child's play, not a secondary affair, nor a trivial matter but a serious business. The men who have made a success of praying have made a business of praying. It is a process demanding the time, thought, energy and hearts of mankind. Prayer is business for time, business for eternity. It is a man's
business to pray, transcending all other business and taking precedence over
all other vocations, professions or occupations. Our praying concerns
ourselves, all men, their greatest interests, even the salvation of their
immortal souls. Praying is a business which takes hold of eternity and the
things beyond the grave. It is a business which involves earth and heaven.
All worlds are touched and worlds are influenced by prayer. It has to do
with God and men, angels and devils. But doubtless it was night, and long into its hours the Master prayed. It was while He prayed the darkness fled, and His form was lit with unearthly splendour. Moses and Elijah came to yield to Him not only the palm of law and prophecy, but the palm of praying. None other prayed as did Jesus nor had any such a glorious manifestation of the divine presence or heard so clearly the revealing voice of the Father, "This is my beloved Son; hear ye him." Happy disciples to be with Christ in the school of prayer. How many of us have failed to come to this glorious Mount of Transfiguration because we were unacquainted with the transfiguring power of prayer. It is the going apart to pray, the long, intense seasons of prayer, in which we engage which makes the face to shine, transfigures the character, makes even dull, earthly garments to glisten with heavenly splendour. But more than
this: it is real praying which makes eternal things real, close and
tangible, and which brings the glorified visitors and the heavenly visions.
Transfigured lives would not be so rare if there were more of this
transfigured praying. These heavenly visits would not be so few if there was
more of this transfigured praying. How strange that instead of learning this simple and all important lesson, the modern Church has largely overlooked it. We have need to turn afresh to that wondrous Leader of spiritual Israel, our Lord Jesus Christ, who by example and precept enjoins us to prayer and to the great Apostle to the Gentiles, who by virtue of his praying habits and prayer lessons is a model and an example to God's people in every age and clime. |