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My sheep
listen to My voice; I know them, and they follow Me - John 10:27 -
Those that listen to His Word know His voice that calls them to follow Him.
He calls to all who believe by FAITH that will listen and follow Him to
the abundant life now, and after this life, the eternal life that He
Blessed is the man who listens to Me, watching daily at My doors, waiting at My doorway; For whoever finds Me finds life and receives favor from the Lord - Proverbs 8:34 - Jesus is the Wisdom of the Proverbs and He does call out searching for those that will listen to Him by FAITH, to hear a Word from Him.....
The Example of Samuel
Samuel answered, “Here I am.” And he ran
to Eli and said, “Here I am; you called me.” But Eli said, “I did
not call; go back and lie down.” So he went and lay down. Again the
Lord called, “Samuel!” And Samuel got up and went to Eli and said,
“Here I am; you called me.” “My son,” Eli said, “I did not call; go
back and lie down.” Now Samuel did not yet know the Lord:
(Samuel did not know the Lord, though Samuel
had lived with the priests, no one had told him about the Lord)
The word of the Lord had not yet been revealed to him. The Lord called Samuel a third time, and Samuel got up and went to Eli and said, “Here I am; you called me.” Then Eli realized that the Lord was calling the boy. So Eli told Samuel, “Go and lie down, and if He calls you, say, ‘Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.’ ” So Samuel went and lay down in his place. The Lord came and stood there, calling as at the other times, “Samuel! Samuel!” Then Samuel said, “Speak, for your servant is listening.” - 1 Samuel 3 :2-10 (May God give us the heart to say, I will listen)
The Lamp of God had not yet gone out. This is a simple way of telling us what time it was, namely, that it was nearing the dawn because the Menorah was still burning and was not out. Another thought here is that in the night of doubt and despair, in the night of moral decay, in the night of sadness, without faith and hope, the Lamp of the Lord is not out. Even as we sleep; even as the world sleeps; even as we lose sight of the light, the light still burns. This is the Lamp of the Word of God. And as young Samuel slept, the light continued to burn. Even in the early hours, when the night seems like it will never end, a Word was heard under the light of that Lamp, a Word of Faith and Hope, a Word of God to Samuel. Joy will come in the morning.....
Samuel was initially blind to this light of the Word and did not recognize this Voice of the Lord. Even though he was in training by a man of God, Eli had not yet trained him to know God. Samuel persisted to know this Voice that called him and did not dismiss it lightly when it was explained to him that it was the Lord that was calling him. He wanted to know what the Lord had to say to Him. If you remember the story, the Word of the Lord was a warning about Eli. Eli had sinned greatly because he did not restrain his sons. It was a severe warning that prophesied judgement against the house of Eli. However Samuel found joy because he had FAITH to obey to tell what he heard and the FAITH of the child Samuel pleased God........
The Lamp of God, the Holy Spirit
certainly may speak to more than one person at a time. His servants may
hear His still small voice calling to them, for His sheep hear His voice
and know His voice and listen to Him.......
This can be a time of confirmation that God has spoken. The Holy Spirit at Pentecost appeared to all those gathered at the Upper Room and they were filled with the Holy Spirit.....